The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Fourth Declension, -u names.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 16. Fourth Declension, -u names.

  • cornu, -us, n., a horn.
  • genu, -us, n., a knee.
  • quercus, -us, f., an oak.
  • fructus, -us, m., fruit.
  • risus, -us, m., laughter.
  • sensus, -us, m., a sense.
  • visus, -us, m., seeing.
  • auditus, -us, m., hearing.
  • arbor, -oris, f., a tree.
  • pirus, -i, f., a pear-tree.
  • pirum, -i, n., a pear.
  • prunus, i, f., a plum-tree.
  • prunum, i, n., a plum.
  • duo, adj. m./n., two.


  1. In Neuter Nouns the Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative - the so called Direct Cases are always alike, and these cases in the Plural always end in -a or -ia.
  2. The names of trees are feminine.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 15. and 16., and the way to decline genu, -us.
  2. Decline domus (giving its double forms) and cornu.
  3. Write out the Neuter endings of Nouns in all Declensions.
  4. Parse (with alla possible cases) quercubus, genuum, fructdum, visu, auditus.

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Exercise B

1. Give orally the English, with Number and Case, of:

  • cornibus (DAT); manus (NOM); fructuum; senatui.
  • visu; pruna; risum; arcubus (ABL).
  • sensuum; prunos; manu; lactis (GEN);
  • genua; quercui; domum; sonitu.

2. Give orally the Nominative Singular of those words and their Gender.

3. Change Number.

  • Say the plural of: cornus, quercui, fructu, sensus, pirus, exercitui.
  • Say the singular of: cornuum, quercubus (ABL), sensibus (DAT), pira.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Taurus cornua acuta habet.
  2. Risus hominibus gratus est.
  3. Pirus et quercus sunt arbores.
  4. Pira arboria fructus sunt.
  5. Pirum piri fructus est.
  6. Exercitus duo cornua habet.
  7. Canes tauri cornua timent.
  8. Fructus quercus parvus est.
  9. Quercus sunt altae arbores.
  10. Templa domus deorum sunt.
  11. Taurus canem cornibus occidit.
  12. Nauta puellae risum amat.
  13. Templum multos gradus habet.
  14. Visus et auditus sunt sensus.
  15. Sensus visus hominibus cams est.
  16. Navis in fluctibus est.
  17. Cornua tauri in capite sunt.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. A bull has two horns.
  2. A man has two knees.
  3. Animals have the sense of hearing.
  4. The sense of seeing is dear to animals.
  5. The steps of the infantry are long.
  6. An oak is a beautiful tree.
  7. The fruit of oak-trees is small.
  8. The girl has a plum in (her) hand.
  9. The sheep has two small horns.
  10. Plums are the fruit of the plum-tree.
  11. Two boys are in the lofty oaks.
  12. Mad bulls kill men with their horns.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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