The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Recapitulatory Exercises for 1st and 2nd Declension, First Class Adjectives.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 8. Recap Vocabularies 1-7.

  • Roma, -ae, f., Rome.
  • regina, -ae, f., a queen.
  • corona, -ae, f., a crown.
  • femina, -ae, f., a woman.
  • puella, -ae, f., a girl.
  • filia, -ae, f., a daughter.
  • rosa, -ae, f., a rose.
  • spina, -ae, f., a thorn.
  • aquila, -ae, f., an eagle.
  • penna, -ae, f., a feather, a pen.
  • poeta, -ae, m., a poet.
  • porta, -ae, f., a gate.
  • amicus, -i, m., a friend.
  • fllius, -i, m., a son.
  • servus, -i, m., a slave.
  • equus, -i, m., a horse.
  • oculus, -i, m., an eye.
  • nasus, -i, m., a nose.
  • hortus, -i, m., a garden.
  • murus, -i, m., a wall.
  • et, cong. and.
  • minister, -i, m., a servant.
  • liber, -i, m., a book.
  • ager, -i, m., a field.
  • aper, -i, m., a wild boar.
  • disclpulus, -i, m., a scholar.
  • Deus, -i, m., God.
  • vita, -ae, f., life.
  • gloria, -ae, f., glory.
  • regnum, -i, n., a kingdom.
  • oppldum, -i, n., a town.
  • templum, -i, n., a temple.
  • donum, -i, n., a gift.
  • bellum, -i, n., war.
  • scutum, -i, n., a shield.
  • metallum, -i, n., a metal.
  • aurum, -i, n., gold.
  • argentum, -i, n., silver.
  • ferrum, -i, n., iron.
  • plumbum, -i, n., lead.
  • hasta, -ae, f., a spear.
  • gladius, -i, m., a sword.
  • culter, -i, m., a knife.
  • taurus, -i, m, a bull.
  • epistdla, -ae, f., a letter.
  • insula, -ae, f., an island.
  • diligentia, -ae, f., diligence.
  • vinum, -i, n., wine.
  • Italia, -ae, f., Italy.
  • altus, -a, -um, high.
  • magnus, -a, -um, great.
  • parvus, -a, -um, little, small.
  • longus, -a, -um, long.
  • latus, -a, -um, wide, broad.
  • malus, -a, -um, bad, wicked.
  • carus, -a, -um, dear.
  • acutus, -a, -um, sharp.
  • albus, -a, -um, white.
  • flavus, -a, -um, yellow.
  • multus, -a, -um, many.
  • splendidus, -a, -um, splendid, bright.
  • meus, -a, -um, my.
  • tener, -a, -um, tender.
  • miser, -a, -um, wretched.
  • pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum, beautiful.
  • niger, nigra, nigrum, black.
  • ruber, rubra, rubrum, red.
  • sacer, sacra, sacrum, sacred.
  • aeger, agra, agrum, sick, ill.
  • columba, -ae, f., a dove.
  • ala, -ae, f., a wing.
  • numerus, -i, m., number.
  • verus, -a, -um, adj., true.


  1. Transitive Verbs and Direct Object. Transitive Verbs govern the Accusative Case.
  2. Transitive Verbs and Indirect Object. The Receiver of the action, i.e. the Indirect Object is put in the Dative Case; as, Regina puellae rosam dat, The queen gives a rose to the girl.
  3. Genitive of Possession. The Possessor is put in the Genitive Case.
  4. Nominative with "To Be". The Verb To Be takes the same case, nominative after it as before it.
  5. Ablative of Instruments. The instrument, or means by which something is done, is put in the Ablative Case; as, Videt oculis, He sees with his eyes.
  6. Agreement of Adjectives. Adjectives agree with their Substantive in Gender, Number and Case.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn once more Vocabulary 8. (1-7), Syntax Rules 1-6, Declension 1. and 2.
  2. Decline together ruber equus ; parvus puer ; magnum donum.
  3. Give the Vocative (sing.) of amicus, Julius, Julia, Virginius, Deus; and the Ablative (bothe sing. and plur.) of ala, liber, taurus, minister, julia.
  4. Parse alis, scutorum, filias, agros, oculis, doni.

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Exercise B

1. Put the proper form of ruber before the following nouns, and read thus: rubri tauri, red bulls (nominative plural):

  • tauri (NOM); nasos; rosas; vini.
  • equi (GEN); oculorum; taurum; portarum.
  • metalla. spinae (NOM); metalli; libros.
  • rosarum; pennas; alarum; equorum.

2. Read off the Latin for:

  • a black horse; white doves (ACC); for good boys.
  • with a sharp knife;gold is yellow; of white horses.
  • of a true friend; for a good girl; with diligence.
  • of sacred gifts; black slaves (ACC); eagles' feathers.
  • beautiful girls (ACC); O dear son!; for my daughters.
  • of many islands; roses are beautiful; the wings of a dove.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Hortus amici mei est parvus.
  2. Virginius pulchram filiam amat.
  3. Roma multa templa splendida habet.
  4. Magister epistolas penna mea scribit.
  5. Feminae filios et filias laudant.
  6. Domini et servi aprum occidunt.
  7. Aprum hastis occidunt.
  8. Magister multos discipulos docet.
  9. Libros aegro discipulo dat.
  10. Veri amici sunt dona Dei.
  11. Magna est ministri diligentia.
  12. Reginae filia est aegra et misera.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. The servant has a red nose and black eyes.
  2. The scholar's book is the gift of the master.
  3. My doves have white wings.
  4. The poet's daughter is writing a long letter.
  5. Good boys and good girls love God.
  6. The rose is the queen of the garden.
  7. The master is writing with a sharp pen.
  8. The master praises the diligence of (his) slaves.
  9. Gold and silver are splendid metals.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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