The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Accusative with Infinitive: explaination.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise C (from Latin) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Explanation of Accusative with Infinitive: when a simple statement of fact stands as the subject or object of some Verb, it is expressed in Latin by the Accusative and Infinitive — the Accusative being used for the Nominative and the Infinitive for the Indicative, e.g.:

  1. video te adesse, I see (that) you are present;
  2. certum est te adesse, It is certain (that) you are present.

In (1.) te adesse is the object of the Verb video; in (2.) it is the subject of the Verb est.

This construction is accordingly used after verbs of declaring, perceiving, thinking, knowing, hoping, or believing; and after such expressions as — notum est, it is known; constat, it is agreed, it is certain, etc.

Rules for translating into English.

In translating the Accusative-and-Infinitive clause into English:

  1. Begin with the word that.
  2. Translate the Accusative by the Nominative.
  3. Translate the Infinitive by the corresponding Indicative.
  4. Remember that the Latin Infinitive has only one form for the Present and Imperfect Tenses, and one for the Perfect and Pluperfect.


  1. Videt te venire, He sees that you are coming.
  2. Vidit te venire, He saw that you were coming.
  3. Audit te venisse, He hears that you have come.
  4. Audiit te venisse, He heard that you had come.
  5. Credit se amari, He believes that he is loved.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn these example by heart.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Certum est solem in coelo esse.
  2. Certum est pisces in mari vivere.
  3. Audio regem in urbe heri fuisse.
  4. Scio hostes fugisse.
  5. Dicitur nos vicisse.
  6. Multas aves migrare notum est.
  7. Hannibalem in Italiam venisse constat.
  8. Scimus Caesarem in Britanniam transiisse.
  9. Constat Britannos fortiter pugnavisse.
  10. Credo me a te amari.
  11. Dicitur pontem a nostris teneri.
  12. Dicit te saepe laudari.
  13. Te saepe consuli audimus.
  14. Omnes scimus agricolas arare.
  15. Quis nescit aves saepe cantare?

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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