The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Deponent Verbs (concluded).


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 66. 2nd-4th Conjugation, Deponents.

  • videor, -ēris, visus sum, -ēri, v.dep., to seem.
  • vescor, -ĕris, -, vesci, v.dep., to eat, feed.
  • fungor, -ĕris, functus sum, fungi, v.dep., to perform, discharge.
  • fruor, -ĕris, fruitus and -fructus sum, frui, v.dep., to enjoy.
  • utor, -ĕris, usus sum, fungi, v.dep., to use.
  • nascor, -ĕris, natus sum, nasci, v.dep., to be born.
  • sequor, -ĕris, secutus sum, sequi, v.dep., to follow.
  • loquor, -ĕris, locutus sum, loqui, v.dep., to speak.
  • proficiscor, -ĕris, profectus sum, proficisci, v.dep., to set out.
  • potior, -īris, potitus sum, potīri, v.dep., to gain possession of.
  • mentior, -īris, mentitus sum, mentīri, v.dep., to tell a lie.
  • exemplum, -i, n., example.
  • verum, -i, n., the truth.
  • nuntius, -i, m., a messenger.
  • lepus, -oris, m., a hare.
  • nobilis, -e, adj., noble.


1. The Imperfect Tense expresses either a continued action or an habitual one; thus, Caesar castra muniebat, Caesar was fortifying his camp, or, Caesar used to fortify his camp. 2. Deponent Verbs governing Ablative: with vescor (to feed), utor (to use), potior (to possess), abutor (to abuse), fungor (to perform), and fruor (to enjoy), be sure to emply an ablative case.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 66., and revise Vocabularies 64. and 65.
  2. Write out the Imperative, Present and Future, of conor, tueor, obliviscor, and potior.
  3. Write out the Gerunds and Participles of cohortor, vereor, fruor, potior.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • sequeris; sequerer; secutus; sequi; sequens.
  • sequeris; sequere; sequendi; sequimini; secutus esse.
  • sequaris; sequebar; secuturua; sequamini; secuti sitis.

2. Give all the forms of the Infinitive of do, teneo, occido, punio, miror, vereor, and obliviscor.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Dux proficiscitur, omnis exercitus sequitur.
  2. Consul ad exercitum profectus, multi cives eum secuti sunt.
  3. Galba equitatum misit ut copias Gallorum sequeretur.
  4. Sequimini ducem vestrum, mitites.
  5. Omnium hominum, ut (as) mihi videtur, beatissimus est agricola.
  6. Britanni ansere et lepore non vescebantur.
  7. Sapienter utimini tempore.
  8. Omnes in patria nostra nati libertate fruuntur.
  9. Navibus Graecorum potiti sumus.
  10. Brutus, sorore Tarquinii natus, consul creatus est.
  11. "Eo tempore," inquit agnus, "non natus eram".

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Let us follow the example of our fathers.
  2. The enemy have-gained-possession of the bridge.
  3. The general had set out for (ad) the army before (that) the messenger had come.
  4. Titus set-out with the cavalry, and ordered the infantry to follow.
  5. Tullius was born of a noble mother (abl).
  6. The Britons used spears and arrows.
  7. Always speak the truth, and never tell-a-lie.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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