The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Recapitulatory Comparative, Pronouns and To Be.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 28. Vocabularies (21.-26).

  • aqua, -ae, f., water.
  • cibus, -i, m., food.
  • asinus, -i, m., a donkey.
  • digitus, -i, m., a finger.
  • annus, -i, m., a year.
  • mensis, -is, m., a month.
  • simplex, -icis, adj., simple.
  • diligens, -entis, adj., diligent.
  • quam, conj., than.
  • Britanni, -orum, m., Britons, British.
  • similis, -e, adj., like.
  • disslmilis, -e, adj., unlike.
  • gracilis, -e, adj., slender.
  • umilis, -e, adj., low.
  • celer, -eris, -ere, adj., swift.
  • acer, -cris, -cre, adj., sharp, keen.
  • liber, era, erum, adj., free.
  • nullus, a, um, pron./adj., no, none.
  • ōs, ōris, n., mouth.
  • ŏs, ossis, n., bone.
  • populus, m., a people.
  • ver, veris, n., spring.
  • aestas, -atis, f., summer.
  • auctumnus, -i, m., autumn.
  • hiems, emis, f., winter.
  • sapientia, ae, f., wisdom.
  • laus, -dis, f., praise.
  • nihil, n., pron./adj. indecl., nothing.
  • aut, conj., or.
  • Romanus, -i, m., a Roman (noun).
  • vetus, -eris, adj., old.
  • dives, -itis, adj., rich.
  • heri, adv., yesterday.
  • hodie, adv., today.
  • cras, adv., tomorrow.
  • pauper, -eris, adj., poor.
  • laetus, -a, -um, adj., glad, joyous.
  • fortuna, -ae, n., fortune (both positive and negative fortune).
  • semper, adv., always.
  • olim, adv., formerly, at one time.
  • diu, adv., long.
  • improbus, -a, -um, adj., wicked.
  • pictor, oris, m., a painter.
  • onus, -ris, n., a weight, a burden.
  • memor, -oris, adj., mindful.
  • parens, -tis, adj., a parent.
  • patria, -ae, f., {one 's) fatherland.
  • justus, -a, -um, adj., just.
  • aeternus, -a, -um, adj., eternal.
  • attentus, -a, -um, adj., attentive.
  • fortiter, adv., bravely.
  • maxime, adv., very much, very highly.
  • castra, -orum, n., a camp.


  1. Regular forms of comparative and superlative. Take the Positive, and change its Genitive ending into -ior for the Comparative, and into -issimus for the Superlative.
  2. Superlative for Adjectives in -er. Adjectives with Nominative in -er form the Superlative by adding -rimus ; as, liber, free ; liberrimus, freest.
  3. Ablative of Time. Nouns are put in the Ablative Case, without a Preposition, to denote the time when something is done; as, nocte, in the night.
  4. Conjunctive Exhortative. The Present Conjunctive in a principal sentence expresses a wish or a command; thus, Sis felix!, May you be fortunate!; Sis fortis, Be brave.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn once more Vocabularies 21.-26., Rules 11.-14., Pronouns, and the Verb Sum.
  2. Decline together audax leo; ingens animal; iter brevius.
  3. Compare the Latin Adjectives for sweet, useful, wretched, difficult, great, many, slender, famous, old, rich.
  4. Translate in two ways — Be (you, sing.) attentive; Be (you, plur.) attentive; Simus prudentes; Sint fortissimi; Erunt bella.

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1. Give orally the English, naming Degree, Number, and Gender

  • humiliores; simillima; difficillima; utilia.
  • pauperum; meliorum; facile; potentior.
  • ditior; peior; laetiori; relicius.
  • veterrimi; miserius; diligentior; dulce.

2. Give orally, in Latin, the Comparative and Superlative of

  • small; many; easy; tender; sweet.
  • famous; long; sad; sharp; short.
  • sacred; great; bad; rich; like.
  • sick; old; swift; poor; dear.

3. Translate orally

  • simus; essetis; fuero; ten; tenth.
  • ero; eramus; esto; fifty; thirteenth.
  • fuerunt; fuisti; sunto; seventy; thirtieth.
  • fuissem; fuerim; fuisse; ninety; ninetieth.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Omnes milites brevissimos gladios habent.
  2. Veri opera poetae immortalia erunt.
  3. Iter hieme equitatui difficillimum erit.
  4. Pauperes non semper miserrimi sunt.
  5. Dux maximam victoriae spem habet.
  6. Nulla urbs clarior fuit quam Roma.
  7. Melior est certa pax quam victoria incerta.
  8. Animal multa ossa in corpora habet.
  9. Heri nonus discipulus fui; hodie sum septimus.
  10. Visus et auditus sunt sensus utilissimi.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. The eagle is a very bold bird.
  2. The lion is a very fierce animal.
  3. The Roman laws were very good.
  4. Nothing is sweeter than honey.
  5. Nothing is more wonderful than the works of bees.
  6. Iron is more useful than gold.
  7. Son, be mindful of your parents.
  8. a.d. 1880 (give the Latin* in full).

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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