The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Verb Infinite - Infinitive Mood, Gerunds and Gerundive.


There are three Tenses of the Infinitive Mood in each Voice — Present, Perfect, and Future. The Future Participle helps to form the Future Infinitive Active, and the Perfect Participle to form the Perfect Infinitive Passive.

Active Voice (Present - Perfect - Future)

  1. am-are; amav-isse; amaturus esse.
  2. mon-ere; monu-isse; moniturus esse.
  3. reg-ere; rex-isse; recturus esse.
  4. aud-ire; audiv-isse; auditurus esse.

Passive Voice (Present - Perfect - Future)

  1. am-ari; amatus esse; amatum iri.
  2. mon-eri; monitus esse; monitum iri.
  3. reg-i; rectus esse; rectum iri.
  4. aud-iri; auditus esse; auditum iri.


Gerunds and Gerundives are similar in name and form, but in nature are essentially different.

  1. A Gerund is a Verbal Substantive of the Neuter Gender, but must borrow the Infinitive Mood for its Nominative; it is used only in the Singular.
  2. A Gerundive is a Verbal Adjective, agreeing with its Substantive in Number, Gender, and Case.

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  • 1st Conj.: muto; do; servo; domo.
  • 2nd Conj.: exerceo; doceo; deleo; video.
  • 3rd Conj.: duco; occido; mitto; scribo.
  • 4th Conj.: munio; punio; aperio; vincio.


  1. Read off the three Tenses of the Infinitive Active of these Verbs.
  2. Proceed similarly with the Infinitive Passive.
  3. Give the Gerunds (Accusative and Genitive) of the same Verbs.
  4. Say off the Gerundives of the same.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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