Latin for Beginners: frequential lexicon (Latin Core Vocabulary DCC), the second 500 most common words.
Exercise A
- [DCC04.0]. adhibeō, apply
- [DCC04.1]. conveniō, assemble, meet; agree
- [DCC04.2]. quandō, when?; since; sī quandō: if ever
- [DCC04.3]. permittō, yield, allow, permit
- [DCC04.4]. ōrātiō, speech, address
- [DCC04.5]. propria, one’s own, peculiar
- [DCC04.6]. patuī, lie open, extend; be evident or obvious
- [DCC04.7]. os, bone
- [DCC04.8]. imāgō, image, form, figure
- [DCC04.9]. cornu, horn
- [DCC04.10]. mūrus, wall
- [DCC04.11]. officium, service, duty
- [DCC04.12]. hiems, winter
- [DCC04.13]. prōvincia, province; official duty
- [DCC04.14]. adīre, go to
- [DCC04.15]. prex, prayers, entreaties
- [DCC04.16]. classis, class, division, fleet
- [DCC04.17]. surgere, rise
- [DCC04.18]. memoria, recollection, memory
- [DCC04.19]. littera, letter, (pl.) literature
- [DCC04.20]. initium, beginning
- [DCC04.21]. moneō, warn, advise
- [DCC04.22]. nūntius, messenger; news
- [DCC04.23]. antīquus, ancient, old-time, former
- [DCC04.24]. volucris, bird
- [DCC04.25]. fundō, pour, scatter
- [DCC04.26]. pūblicus, public, belonging to the state
- [DCC04.27]. frūstrā, in vain
- [DCC04.28]. tempestas, period of time, season; bad weather, storm
- [DCC04.29]. vestīgium, footstep, footprint, track
- [DCC04.30]. īrātus sum, grow angry; īrātus -a -um: angry
- [DCC04.31]. supersum, remain, survive; be superfluous (to)
- [DCC04.32]. frūctus sum, enjoy the produce of, profit by, use (+ abl.)
- [DCC04.33]. mereō, deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
- [DCC04.34]. rēgium, kingly, royal
- [DCC04.35]. revocāre, call back, recall
- [DCC04.36]. moror, delay
- [DCC04.37]. cupīdō, desire, eagerness, craving
- [DCC04.38]. cōnārī, try, attempt
- [DCC04.39]. pellō, strike, beat, push, drive
- [DCC04.40]. reor, think, imagine, suppose, deem
- [DCC04.41]. vacō, be empty, open, unoccupied
- [DCC04.42]. peccō, commit a wrong, injure
- [DCC04.43]. pia, dutiful, devoted, just, pious
- [DCC04.44]. testis, witness
- [DCC04.45]. ideō, for this reason
- [DCC04.46]. auctor, originator, founder
- [DCC04.47]. frūctus, fruit, crops; enjoyment, delight
- [DCC04.48]. pudor, sense of shame, modesty, propriety
- [DCC04.49]. carēre, lack (+ abl.)
- [DCC04.50]. pugnō, fight
- [DCC04.51]. abiī, go away
- [DCC04.52]. ēligō, pick out, select
- [DCC04.53]. ūtilis, useful
- [DCC04.54]. fēlīciter, luckily
- [DCC04.55]. māiōrēs, ancestors
- [DCC04.56]. apta, fit, suitable
- [DCC04.57]. fugō, put to flight
- [DCC04.58]. opera, labor, activity, work
- [DCC04.59]. situm, allow, let go
- [DCC04.60]. statuō, set up, determine
- [DCC04.61]. disciplīna, training, instruction; learning, discipline
- [DCC04.62]. varium, changing, varied, various
- [DCC04.63]. astrum, star; constellation
- [DCC04.64]. peperī, bring forth, give birth to; accomplish
- [DCC04.65]. ultrā, beyond, further (adv. and prep. + acc.)
- [DCC04.66]. necesse, necessary
- [DCC04.67]. fore, **
- [DCC04.68]. voluntās, wish, desire
- [DCC04.69]. bōs, ox; gen. pl. boum
- [DCC04.70]. damnāre, condemn
- [DCC04.71]. ūtile, useful
- [DCC04.72]. audāx, bold, daring; reckless
- [DCC04.73]. dīversus, different, diverse
- [DCC04.74]. celeriter, quickly
- [DCC04.75]. nigra, black
- [DCC04.76]. volucer, flying
- [DCC04.77]. praeceptum, rule, precept; command
- [DCC04.78]. exemplum, example, sample, copy
- [DCC04.79]. pauper, poor, lowly
- [DCC04.80]. rīdeō, laugh, laugh at
- [DCC04.81]. lūna, moon
- [DCC04.82]. iūdex, judge, juror
- [DCC04.83]. revertō, turn back
- [DCC04.84]. ascendere, climb up, ascend
- [DCC04.85]. colligere, gather together, collect
- [DCC04.86]. fassus sum, admit, confess; profess, declare; assent, say yes
- [DCC04.87]. posteā, afterwards
- [DCC04.88]. cēterum, for the rest, in addition, however that may be
- [DCC04.89]. speciēs, aspect, appearance
- [DCC04.90]. committō, join, entrust to (+ dat.); perform, do
- [DCC04.91]. cōgitāre, think, reflect
- [DCC04.92]. dīmittō, send away
- [DCC04.93]. vereor, fear, stand in awe of
- [DCC04.94]. dēscendō, climb down, descend
- [DCC04.95]. validum, strong
- [DCC04.96]. epistula, letter
- [DCC04.97]. suprā, above, beyond (adv. and prep. +acc.)
- [DCC04.98]. ōtium, leisure
- [DCC04.99]. nesciō, not know, be ignorant
- [DCC04.100]. occīdō, kill, cut down
- [DCC04.101]. fax, torch
- [DCC04.102]. dormīre, sleep
- [DCC04.103]. cucurrī, run
- [DCC04.104]. fūdī, pour, scatter
- [DCC04.105]. sepulcrum, place of burial, tomb, grave
- [DCC04.106]. aliter, otherwise, differently
- [DCC04.107]. castus, pure, spotless, chaste
- [DCC04.108]. commūnis, common, general
- [DCC04.109]. contineō, contain, restrain
- [DCC04.110]. properō, hasten, speed
- [DCC04.111]. meminī, remember, recollect
- [DCC04.112]. aptum, fit, suitable
- [DCC04.113]. aevum, eternity; lifetime, age
- [DCC04.114]. sānctus, sacred, inviolable
- [DCC04.115]. aurea, golden; splendid
- [DCC04.116]. pecus, cattle, sheep
- [DCC04.117]. quasi, as if
- [DCC04.118]. praetereā, besides, moreover
- [DCC04.119]. offerō, present, offer, expose
- [DCC04.120]. reus, defendant
- [DCC04.121]. ōdisse, hate
- [DCC04.122]. advertō, turn towards
- [DCC04.123]. vīcīna, neighboring, near
- [DCC04.124]. fōns, spring, fountain
- [DCC04.125]. potēns, able, powerful
- [DCC04.126]. dubius, doubtful; (as subst.) a doubt; sine dubiō, without a doubt, certainly
- [DCC04.127]. currō, run
- [DCC04.128]. mulier, woman
- [DCC04.129]. plēbs, the common people
- [DCC04.130]. poēta, poet
- [DCC04.131]. vacāre, be empty, open, unoccupied
- [DCC04.132]. rīpa, bank of a river
- [DCC04.133]. lapis, stone
- [DCC04.134]. quotiēns, interr. how many times? how often? rel. as often as, whenever
- [DCC04.135]. canis, dog
- [DCC04.136]. tenebrae, darkness, the shadows
- [DCC04.137]. sacerdōs, priest, priestess
- [DCC04.138]. pontus, the open sea, the deep
- [DCC04.139]. portō, carry a load
- [DCC04.140]. famēs, hunger, famine
- [DCC04.141]. iūdicō, judge, decide
- [DCC04.142]. plērumque, the greater part, very many, most, the majority
- [DCC04.143]. decuīt, it is right, proper, fitting (+ acc. + infin.)
- [DCC04.144]. avis, bird
- [DCC04.145]. ecce, behold!
- [DCC04.146]. licet, even though
- [DCC04.147]. superba, overbearing, proud, haughty
- [DCC04.148]. surrēxī, rise
- [DCC04.149]. sōlum, only, merely
- [DCC04.150]. dīvitiae, riches, wealth
- [DCC04.151]. salūs, health, safety
- [DCC04.152]. superbum, overbearing, proud, haughty
- [DCC04.153]. hōra, hour
- [DCC04.154]. crēscere, grow, increase
- [DCC04.155]. sēdī, sit
- [DCC04.156]. tardum, slow, sluggish, lingering
- [DCC04.157]. repetō, demand, exact; revisit; call to mind, recollect; repeat
- [DCC04.158]. prōdō, publish, hand down; give over, betray
- [DCC04.159]. humus, ground; humī: on the ground
- [DCC04.160]. creāre, produce, create; elect, choose
- [DCC04.161]. dīvum, divine, godlike; (as subst.) a god
- [DCC04.162]. māteria, material, subject matter; timber, lumber
- [DCC04.163]. aes, copper, bronze
- [DCC04.164]. orior, arise, begin
- [DCC04.165]. afferre, bring to
- [DCC04.166]. exigō, drive out; collect
- [DCC04.167]. vīnum, vine, wine
- [DCC04.168]. nūdum, naked, bare
- [DCC04.169]. aequa, equal
- [DCC04.170]. incidī, fall upon, fall into; happen
- [DCC04.171]. accidō, fall; happen
- [DCC04.172]. stella, star
- [DCC04.173]. timor, fear
- [DCC04.174]. cōnsulō, consult, plan (+ acc.); consider the interests of (+dat)
- [DCC04.175]. factum, deed, accomplishment
- [DCC04.176]. morbus, sickness, disease
- [DCC04.177]. fārī, report, say
- [DCC04.178]. argentum, silver, money
- [DCC04.179]. praebeō, furnish, supply, render
- [DCC04.180]. adveniō, come to, arrive at
- [DCC04.181]. sīcut, just as
- [DCC04.182]. sustinuī, hold up, sustain
- [DCC04.183]. error, wandering; error, mistake
- [DCC04.184]. prohibeō, restrain, keep away
- [DCC04.185]. cōnstō, agree; constat, it is established that (+ acc. and infin.)
- [DCC04.186]. dīlātum, scatter; publish, divulge; differ; defer, postpone
- [DCC04.187]. onus, load, burden
- [DCC04.188]. prōcessī, go forth, advance
- [DCC04.189]. iēcī, throw, hurl
- [DCC04.190]. saeculum, generation, age, century
- [DCC04.191]. vacuum, empty
- [DCC04.192]. sonuī, sound, resound
- [DCC04.193]. cinis, ashes, embers
- [DCC04.194]. praetor, praetor, one of the chief Roman magistrates
- [DCC04.195]. lingua, tongue; language
- [DCC04.196]. decēre, it is right, proper, fitting (+ acc. + infin.)
- [DCC04.197]. retineō, hold back, keep
- [DCC04.198]. aegrē, with difficulty
- [DCC04.199]. fātus sum, report, say
- [DCC04.200]. surrēctum, rise
- [DCC04.201]. pulchrum, beautiful
- [DCC04.202]. rēctum, straight, direct
- [DCC04.203]. pecūnia, money
- [DCC04.204]. antequam, before
- [DCC04.205]. proficīscor, set forth, go
- [DCC04.206]. commīsī, join, entrust to (+ dat.); perform, do
- [DCC04.207]. iūdicium, judgment, decision, trial
- [DCC04.208]. vinculum, bond, fetter, tie
- [DCC04.209]. dēdūcō, launch, lead away
- [DCC04.210]. cōnfitērī, admit (a fact), confess (a crime); reveal, disclose
- [DCC04.211]. advenīre, come to, arrive at
- [DCC04.212]. caedere, strike, kill, cut down
- [DCC04.213]. defectum, fail, give out; revolt from
- [DCC04.214]. sānus, sound, sane
- [DCC04.215]. narrāre, relate, recount
- [DCC04.216]. concessum, yield, withdraw
- [DCC04.217]. dōnō, present with a gift (+ acc. of person and abl. of thing)
- [DCC04.218]. tentum, stretch, extend, direct (one’s steps or course)
- [DCC04.219]. addūcō, lead to, induce
- [DCC04.220]. cōnfectum, complete, accomplish; destroy, kill, consume
- [DCC04.221]. cōnsūmō, to use up, consume
- [DCC04.222]. vagum, wandering, shifting
- [DCC04.223]. fors, chance
- [DCC04.224]. aeger, sick
- [DCC04.225]. quondam, formerly, once
- [DCC04.226]. intrā, within (+ acc.)
- [DCC04.227]. agitāre, drive
- [DCC04.228]. quiēscō, keep quiet; sleep
- [DCC04.229]. cōnsuētūdo, custom, habit
- [DCC04.230]. undique, from all sides, on all sides
- [DCC04.231]. aperīre, open
- [DCC04.232]. sēcūrum, free from care, tranquil; careless
- [DCC04.233]. iūsta, right, just, fair
- [DCC04.234]. dīves, rich (poet. dīs, dītis)
- [DCC04.235]. decem, ten
- [DCC04.236]. paulum, to only a small extent, slightly, a little
- [DCC04.237]. integra, untouched, fresh, complete, whole
- [DCC04.238]. aeterna, everlasting, eternal
- [DCC04.239]. frūmentum, grain
- [DCC04.240]. ferē, almost
- [DCC04.241]. quārē, how? why?
- [DCC04.242]. nocuī, harm
- [DCC04.243]. superī, those above, i.e. the gods
- [DCC04.244]. praecipiō, anticipate, advise, warn
- [DCC04.245]. māgnitūdō, greatness, size
- [DCC04.246]. dīvidere, divide, separate
- [DCC04.247]. statuere, set up, determine
- [DCC04.248]. pondus, weight
- [DCC04.249]. difficilis, not easy, hard, difficult
- [DCC04.250]. frōns, forehead, brow; front
- [DCC04.251]. pāruī, obey
- [DCC04.252]. meminisse, remember, recollect
- [DCC04.253]. dīvīsī, divide, separate
- [DCC04.254]. vērē, truly
- [DCC04.255]. aliquandō, at some time, at length
- [DCC04.256]. culpa, guilt, fault, blame
- [DCC04.257]. pium, dutiful, devoted, just, pious
- [DCC04.258]. dēcernō, determine, decide
- [DCC04.259]. lātum, broad, wide
- [DCC04.260]. adeō, (adv.) to such a degree, so
- [DCC04.261]. auxī, increase
- [DCC04.262]. sparsum, scatter
- [DCC04.263]. oppidum, town
- [DCC04.264]. quemadmodum, in what manner, how
- [DCC04.265]. rārus, wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
- [DCC04.266]. mīrātus sum, wonder at, marvel at (+ acc.)
- [DCC04.267]. portāre, carry a load
- [DCC04.268]. cor, heart; cordī est, it is pleasing to (+ dat.)
- [DCC04.269]. revocō, call back, recall
- [DCC04.270]. dēfendō, defend, ward off
- [DCC04.271]. rēctus, straight, direct
- [DCC04.272]. condīciō, agreement, condition
- [DCC04.273]. caecus, blind, unseeing; dark, obscure
- [DCC04.274]. iterum, again
- [DCC04.275]. praeter, by, along, past; besides, except (+ acc.)
- [DCC04.276]. uxor, wife
- [DCC04.277]. breviter, briefly
- [DCC04.278]. celer, swift
- [DCC04.279]. cēnsēre, assess, rate; think, decide
- [DCC04.280]. victōria, victory
- [DCC04.281]. falsus, deceptive, false
- [DCC04.282]. caecum, blind, unseeing; dark, obscure
- [DCC04.283]. aequus, equal
- [DCC04.284]. senex, old man, elder; senior, older
- [DCC04.285]. alō, nourish
- [DCC04.286]. cōnfiteor, admit (a fact), confess (a crime); reveal, disclose
- [DCC04.287]. auxilium, support, assistance; (pl.) auxiliary forces
- [DCC04.288]. facinus, deed, crime
- [DCC04.289]. aedēs, building; (pl.) house
- [DCC04.290]. ibi, there
- [DCC04.291]. pertineō, extend over, reach; refer to, pertain to, be the business of
- [DCC04.292]. turbāre, disturb, confuse
- [DCC04.293]. imperō, command, control
- [DCC04.294]. gīgnere, beget, bear, bring forth
- [DCC04.295]. īnstituō, undertake; equip
- [DCC04.296]. cāvī, be on guard, beware
- [DCC04.297]. intellegō, understand
- [DCC04.298]. odium, hatred
- [DCC04.299]. hodiē, today
- [DCC04.300]. imperātor, commander
- [DCC04.301]. prīncipium, beginning
- [DCC04.302]. recēdō, step back, recoil, recede, withdraw
- [DCC04.303]. num, interrogative particle implying negative answer
- [DCC04.304]. iūnxī, join
- [DCC04.305]. praemium, bounty, reward
- [DCC04.306]. iūnctum, join
- [DCC04.307]. male, (adv.) badly
- [DCC04.308]. exīstimō, think, believe
- [DCC04.309]. deficiō, fail, give out; revolt from
- [DCC04.310]. item, likewise
- [DCC04.311]. studeō, be eager, be zealous, care for (+ dat.)
- [DCC04.312]. querī, complain of, lament
- [DCC04.313]. necessitās, necessity, need
- [DCC04.314]. occurrō, run to meet; come into one’s mind
- [DCC04.315]. pūgna, fist-fight; battle
- [DCC04.316]. oportet, it is proper, right (+ acc. + infin.)
- [DCC04.317]. ūsque, up to; continuously
- [DCC04.318]. aegrum, sick
- [DCC04.319]. noceō, harm
- [DCC04.320]. convertō, turn about, turn, change
- [DCC04.321]. ēgregius, distinguished, uncommon
- [DCC04.322]. spīritus, breath, life, spirit
- [DCC04.323]. perpetuus, unbroken, perpetual
- [DCC04.324]. scrībō, write
- [DCC04.325]. efficiō, bring about, complete; render (+ ut + subj.)
- [DCC04.326]. invidia, envy, jealousy, hatred
- [DCC04.327]. repetītum, demand, exact; revisit; call to mind, recollect; repeat
- [DCC04.328]. caedō, strike, kill, cut down
- [DCC04.329]. augēre, increase
- [DCC04.330]. gradus, step, pace; grade, rank
- [DCC04.331]. scientia, knowledge
- [DCC04.332]. magister, master, chief
- [DCC04.333]. monitum, warn, advise
- [DCC04.334]. prōmittere, send forth, offer
- [DCC04.335]. ācre, sharp, piercing
- [DCC04.336]. tendere, stretch, extend, direct (one’s steps or course)
- [DCC04.337]. forum, market-place, forum
- [DCC04.338]. marītus, husband
- [DCC04.339]. prōtinus, at once, forthwith
- [DCC04.340]. tertium, third
- [DCC04.341]. reperiō, find, find out
- [DCC04.342]. prior, earlier, preceding
- [DCC04.343]. clāmor, outcry, shout
- [DCC04.344]. arvum, ploughed land, field
- [DCC04.345]. exerceō, train, exercise, carry on
- [DCC04.346]. sententia, opinion, judgment
- [DCC04.347]. fallere, deceive
- [DCC04.348]. aegra, sick
- [DCC04.349]. vātēs, poet, bard
- [DCC04.350]. ōlim, formerly, at that time
- [DCC04.351]. labōrāre, toil, work; be in trouble or distress
- [DCC04.352]. accēdere, approach
- [DCC04.353]. pietās, sense of duty, devotion, esp. between parents and children
- [DCC04.354]. indicāre, point out, show, make known
- [DCC04.355]. intendō, stretch out, strain
- [DCC04.356]. scrīptum, write
- [DCC04.357]. fugāre, put to flight
- [DCC04.358]. casta, pure, spotless, chaste
- [DCC04.359]. familia, household, family
- [DCC04.360]. cōnsistō, take position; consist in, be composed of
- [DCC04.361]. peccāre, commit a wrong, injure
- [DCC04.362]. recēdere, step back, recoil, recede, withdraw
- [DCC04.363]. corrumpō, break up, destroy, ruin
- [DCC04.364]. appāreō, appear, become visible
- [DCC04.365]. liber, book
- [DCC04.366]. color, color
- [DCC04.367]. interficere, kill
- [DCC04.368]. hortor, urge strongly, advise, exhort
- [DCC04.369]. falsa, deceptive, false
- [DCC04.370]. sēcūrus, free from care, tranquil; careless
- [DCC04.371]. imperāre, command, control
- [DCC04.372]. caesum, strike, kill, cut down
- [DCC04.373]. rārum, wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
- [DCC04.374]. cingō, encircle, surround, gird
- [DCC04.375]. questus sum, complain of, lament
- [DCC04.376]. dēsīderō, long for, desire greatly
- [DCC04.377]. īctus, blow, stroke
- [DCC04.378]. nefās, impiety, wickedness
- [DCC04.379]. gaudium, delight, joy, pleasure
- [DCC04.380]. convīvium, banquet, feast
- [DCC04.381]. iactum, throw, hurl
- [DCC04.382]. praesēns, present, in person, ready
- [DCC04.383]. valēre, be strong, excel, be valid, prevail; valē: farewell!
- [DCC04.384]. cita, swift; citō swiftly
- [DCC04.385]. lāta, broad, wide
- [DCC04.386]. animal, a living being, an animal
- [DCC04.387]. incidere, fall upon, fall into; happen
- [DCC04.388]. appāruī, appear, become visible
- [DCC04.389]. trēs, three
- [DCC04.390]. rātus sum, think, imagine, suppose, deem
- [DCC04.391]. fēmina, woman
- [DCC04.392]. prōpōnō, put forth, propose, present
- [DCC04.393]. spargere, scatter
- [DCC04.394]. nigrum, black
- [DCC04.395]. probō, approve, prove; convince one (dat.) of a thing (acc.)
- [DCC04.396]. auctōritās, influence, clout, authority
- [DCC04.397]. genuī, beget, bear, bring forth
- [DCC04.398]. difficile, not easy, hard, difficult
- [DCC04.399]. ēlēctum, pick out, select
- [DCC04.400]. dēferō, carry away, report
- [DCC04.401]. terreō, terrify, frighten
- [DCC04.402]. quamquam, however, although
- [DCC04.403]. fūnus, funeral; death; dead body
- [DCC04.404]. studēre, be eager, be zealous, care for (+ dat.)
- [DCC04.405]. dīvus, divine, godlike; (as subst.) a god
- [DCC04.406]. libīdō, passion, lust
- [DCC04.407]. cōnstituō, establish, put together
- [DCC04.408]. distulī, scatter; publish, divulge; differ; defer, postpone
- [DCC04.409]. candidus, white, fair
- [DCC04.410]. praesidium, garrison, protection
- [DCC04.411]. regiō, boundary, region
- [DCC04.412]. moenia, walls, fortifications
- [DCC04.413]. nūda, naked, bare
- [DCC04.414]. sedēre, sit
- [DCC04.415]. accēdō, approach
- [DCC04.416]. effundō, pour out
- [DCC04.417]. fefellī, deceive
- [DCC04.418]. subeō, go under; endure
- [DCC04.419]. citus, swift; citō swiftly
- [DCC04.420]. perpetua, unbroken, perpetual
- [DCC04.421]. prīvāta, personal, private
- [DCC04.422]. rāra, wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
- [DCC04.423]. prohibuī, restrain, keep away
- [DCC04.424]. hortātus sum, urge strongly, advise, exhort
- [DCC04.425]. dēseruī, leave, desert, abandon
- [DCC04.426]. posterus, next, later
- [DCC04.427]. ingrāta, unpleasant, disagreeable
- [DCC04.428]. brevis, short, shallow, brief
- [DCC04.429]. dēnique, finally
- [DCC04.430]. amīcitia, friendship
- [DCC04.431]. sapientia, wisdom
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