Latin for Beginners: frequential lexicon (Latin Core Vocabulary DCC), the most common adjectives.
Exercise A
- [DCC08.0]. aequa, equal
- [DCC08.1]. recēns, fresh, new
- [DCC08.2]. honestum, honorable
- [DCC08.3]. sāncta, sacred, inviolable
- [DCC08.4]. prīvātum, personal, private
- [DCC08.5]. audāx, bold, daring; reckless
- [DCC08.6]. caeca, blind, unseeing; dark, obscure
- [DCC08.7]. vestrum, your
- [DCC08.8]. longum, long, far
- [DCC08.9]. valida, strong
- [DCC08.10]. vetus, old
- [DCC08.11]. centum, one hundred
- [DCC08.12]. vacua, empty
- [DCC08.13]. lātus, broad, wide
- [DCC08.14]. integra, untouched, fresh, complete, whole
- [DCC08.15]. pauper, poor, lowly
- [DCC08.16]. supera, situated above, upper
- [DCC08.17]. tener, tender
- [DCC08.18]. longus, long, far
- [DCC08.19]. levis, light, trivial
- [DCC08.20]. dīversa, different, diverse
- [DCC08.21]. plērumque, the greater part, very many, most, the majority
- [DCC08.22]. superum, situated above, upper
- [DCC08.23]. fera, wild, fierce; fera -ae f.: wild animal
- [DCC08.24]. aliēnus, foreign, strange
- [DCC08.25]. ūllus, any, anyone
- [DCC08.26]. lātum, broad, wide
- [DCC08.27]. decem, ten
- [DCC08.28]. vaga, wandering, shifting
- [DCC08.29]. fēlīx, lucky
- [DCC08.30]. novum, new
- [DCC08.31]. ingēns, huge, enormous
- [DCC08.32]. ultimum, farthest, final, last, ultimate
- [DCC08.33]. potis, powerful, able
- [DCC08.34]. bonum, good
- [DCC08.35]. cētera, the other, the others, the rest
- [DCC08.36]. dīves, rich (poet. dīs, dītis)
- [DCC08.37]. superbus, overbearing, proud, haughty
- [DCC08.38]. leve, light, trivial
- [DCC08.39]. honestus, honorable
- [DCC08.40]. mīlle, thousand
- [DCC08.41]. mortāle, liable to death, mortal; (as subst.) a mortal
- [DCC08.42]. falsum, deceptive, false
- [DCC08.43]. maestum, sad, sorrowful; depressing
- [DCC08.44]. secundum, following; favorable; (as numeral) second
- [DCC08.45]. adversus, facing, opposed; unfavorable
- [DCC08.46]. foeda, foul
- [DCC08.47]. mollis, soft, yielding, gentle
- [DCC08.48]. praesēns, present, in person, ready
- [DCC08.49]. volucer, flying
- [DCC08.50]. plēnum, full
- [DCC08.51]. caelestis, from or of heaven; caelestēs, the gods
- [DCC08.52]. fessum, weary, tired
- [DCC08.53]. prior, earlier, preceding
- [DCC08.54]. prīvāta, personal, private
- [DCC08.55]. pūblica, public, belonging to the state
- [DCC08.56]. aureus, golden; splendid
- [DCC08.57]. caecus, blind, unseeing; dark, obscure
- [DCC08.58]. bona, good
- [DCC08.59]. duo, two
- [DCC08.60]. līberum, free; līberī (m. pl.): freeborn children
- [DCC08.61]. parva, small
- [DCC08.62]. caeleste, from or of heaven; caelestēs, the gods
- [DCC08.63]. cāra, dear
- [DCC08.64]. omne, all, every, as a whole
- [DCC08.65]. pia, dutiful, devoted, just, pious
- [DCC08.66]. reliquus, remaining, rest
- [DCC08.67]. celer, swift
- [DCC08.68]. ingrāta, unpleasant, disagreeable
- [DCC08.69]. tūtum, safe, protected
- [DCC08.70]. altus, high, lofty; deep
- [DCC08.71]. dīversus, different, diverse
- [DCC08.72]. reliquum, remaining, rest
- [DCC08.73]. līber, free; līberī (m. pl.): freeborn children
- [DCC08.74]. difficile, not easy, hard, difficult
- [DCC08.75]. ultima, farthest, final, last, ultimate
- [DCC08.76]. tarda, slow, sluggish, lingering
- [DCC08.77]. prius, earlier, preceding
- [DCC08.78]. pūblicus, public, belonging to the state
- [DCC08.79]. grātus, pleasant; grateful
- [DCC08.80]. mīlia, thousand
- [DCC08.81]. perpetuus, unbroken, perpetual
- [DCC08.82]. maesta, sad, sorrowful; depressing
- [DCC08.83]. antīquus, ancient, old-time, former
- [DCC08.84]. socium, friendly, allied; socius -ī m.: partner, comrade
- [DCC08.85]. media, middle, central
- [DCC08.86]. paucae, few, a few
- [DCC08.87]. candidum, white, fair
- [DCC08.88]. dulce, sweet
- [DCC08.89]. aptus, fit, suitable
- [DCC08.90]. candida, white, fair
- [DCC08.91]. varius, changing, varied, various
- [DCC08.92]. commūne, common, general
- [DCC08.93]. tāle, such
- [DCC08.94]. varia, changing, varied, various
- [DCC08.95]. medium, middle, central
- [DCC08.96]. socius, friendly, allied; socius -ī m.: partner, comrade
- [DCC08.97]. vērus, true
- [DCC08.98]. plēnus, full
- [DCC08.99]. prīnceps, first, chief; (as subst.) leader, person in charge
- [DCC08.100]. integrum, untouched, fresh, complete, whole
- [DCC08.101]. nigra, black
- [DCC08.102]. dexter, right; dextera -ae f.: right hand
- [DCC08.103]. nōbilis, distinguished, noble; (as subst.) a nobleman or woman
- [DCC08.104]. dextra, right; dextera -ae f.: right hand
- [DCC08.105]. māgnum, great
- [DCC08.106]. ēgregium, distinguished, uncommon
- [DCC08.107]. laetum, glad, joyful
- [DCC08.108]. pium, dutiful, devoted, just, pious
- [DCC08.109]. certum, sure, fixed
- [DCC08.110]. tantum, so great, so much; (as pronoun) such a quantity, so much; tantī, at such a price, of such worth
- [DCC08.111]. rēgia, kingly, royal
- [DCC08.112]. sacrum, holy, sacred
- [DCC08.113]. munda, clean, neat, elegant
- [DCC08.114]. vīcīnum, neighboring, near
- [DCC08.115]. aeger, sick
- [DCC08.116]. superba, overbearing, proud, haughty
- [DCC08.117]. apta, fit, suitable
- [DCC08.118]. aliēnum, foreign, strange
- [DCC08.119]. pote, powerful, able
- [DCC08.120]. tōta, whole, entire
- [DCC08.121]. ēgregius, distinguished, uncommon
- [DCC08.122]. tria, three
- [DCC08.123]. adversa, facing, opposed; unfavorable
- [DCC08.124]. certus, sure, fixed
- [DCC08.125]. nūda, naked, bare
- [DCC08.126]. necesse, necessary
- [DCC08.127]. caecum, blind, unseeing; dark, obscure
- [DCC08.128]. nimius, too much, excessive
- [DCC08.129]. potēns, able, powerful
- [DCC08.130]. breve, short, shallow, brief
- [DCC08.131]. dulcis, sweet
- [DCC08.132]. sua, his own, her own, its own
- [DCC08.133]. tertia, third
- [DCC08.134]. pūblicum, public, belonging to the state
- [DCC08.135]. aegra, sick
- [DCC08.136]. ūnus, one
- [DCC08.137]. dīvus, divine, godlike; (as subst.) a god
- [DCC08.138]. cūnctus, entire all together
- [DCC08.139]. medius, middle, central
- [DCC08.140]. tālis, such
- [DCC08.141]. vōs, you (pl.); (gen.) vestrum/vestrī, (dat./abl.) vōbīs, (acc.) vōs
- [DCC08.142]. īnferus, low; īnferior: lower; īnfimus or īmus: lowest
- [DCC08.143]. frequēns, in large numbers, often
- [DCC08.144]. prīmus, first
- [DCC08.145]. aureum, golden; splendid
- [DCC08.146]. candidus, white, fair
- [DCC08.147]. vacuus, empty
- [DCC08.148]. antīqua, ancient, old-time, former
- [DCC08.149]. amīca, friendly; (as subst.) friend
- [DCC08.150]. amplum, large, spacious
- [DCC08.151]. clārum, clear, distinguished
- [DCC08.152]. cita, swift; citō swiftly
- [DCC08.153]. sapiēns, wise; (as subst.) wise man, sage, philosopher
- [DCC08.154]. ūnum, one
- [DCC08.155]. tardus, slow, sluggish, lingering
- [DCC08.156]. sōla, only, alone
- [DCC08.157]. dubius, doubtful; (as subst.) a doubt; sine dubiō, without a doubt, certainly
- [DCC08.158]. secundus, following; favorable; (as numeral) second
- [DCC08.159]. clāra, clear, distinguished
- [DCC08.160]. vagum, wandering, shifting
- [DCC08.161]. alius, other, another; ālias: at another time
- [DCC08.162]. perpetua, unbroken, perpetual
- [DCC08.163]. inimīcus, unfriendly; (as subst.) enemy
- [DCC08.164]. nūlla, not any, no one
- [DCC08.165]. misera, wretched, pitiable
- [DCC08.166]. mundus, clean, neat, elegant
- [DCC08.167]. inimīcum, unfriendly; (as subst.) enemy
- [DCC08.168]. superus, situated above, upper
- [DCC08.169]. rāra, wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
- [DCC08.170]. vēra, true
- [DCC08.171]. extrēma, farthest, situated at the end or tip, extreme
- [DCC08.172]. ūna, one
- [DCC08.173]. vana, empty; false, deceitful
- [DCC08.174]. suus, his own, her own, its own
- [DCC08.175]. lāta, broad, wide
- [DCC08.176]. rēcta, straight, direct
- [DCC08.177]. bonus, good
- [DCC08.178]. albus, white
- [DCC08.179]. vīcīnus, neighboring, near
- [DCC08.180]. simile, like, similar
- [DCC08.181]. nōbile, distinguished, noble; (as subst.) a nobleman or woman
- [DCC08.182]. aeterna, everlasting, eternal
- [DCC08.183]. ūtile, useful
- [DCC08.184]. mala, bad, evil
- [DCC08.185]. pius, dutiful, devoted, just, pious
- [DCC08.186]. trīste, sad, solemn, grim
- [DCC08.187]. proprium, one’s own, peculiar
- [DCC08.188]. alba, white
- [DCC08.189]. cēterus, the other, the others, the rest
- [DCC08.190]. multus, much, many; multō, by far
- [DCC08.191]. perpetuum, unbroken, perpetual
- [DCC08.192]. grave, heavy, serious
- [DCC08.193]. fessus, weary, tired
- [DCC08.194]. laeta, glad, joyful
- [DCC08.195]. nova, new
- [DCC08.196]. nōtus, well-known
- [DCC08.197]. pār, equal
- [DCC08.198]. grātum, pleasant; grateful
- [DCC08.199]. tuus, your
- [DCC08.200]. castum, pure, spotless, chaste
- [DCC08.201]. gravis, heavy, serious
- [DCC08.202]. dubium, doubtful; (as subst.) a doubt; sine dubiō, without a doubt, certainly
- [DCC08.203]. certa, sure, fixed
- [DCC08.204]. casta, pure, spotless, chaste
- [DCC08.205]. trīstis, sad, solemn, grim
- [DCC08.206]. postera, next, later
- [DCC08.207]. singulī, one each
- [DCC08.208]. nūllum, not any, no one
- [DCC08.209]. ācris, sharp, piercing
- [DCC08.210]. aeternus, everlasting, eternal
- [DCC08.211]. validus, strong
- [DCC08.212]. omnis, all, every, as a whole
- [DCC08.213]. rārum, wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
- [DCC08.214]. sānctum, sacred, inviolable
- [DCC08.215]. prīvātus, personal, private
- [DCC08.216]. nōtum, well-known
- [DCC08.217]. ampla, large, spacious
- [DCC08.218]. dīgnus, worthy
- [DCC08.219]. secunda, following; favorable; (as numeral) second
- [DCC08.220]. tardum, slow, sluggish, lingering
- [DCC08.221]. aequus, equal
- [DCC08.222]. sānus, sound, sane
- [DCC08.223]. quattuor, four
- [DCC08.224]. nimia, too much, excessive
- [DCC08.225]. alta, high, lofty; deep
- [DCC08.226]. fidēlis, faithful
- [DCC08.227]. prīma, first
- [DCC08.228]. antīquum, ancient, old-time, former
- [DCC08.229]. falsus, deceptive, false
- [DCC08.230]. aegrum, sick
- [DCC08.231]. tōtus, whole, entire
- [DCC08.232]. fidēle, faithful
- [DCC08.233]. socia, friendly, allied; socius -ī m.: partner, comrade
- [DCC08.234]. altum, high, lofty; deep
- [DCC08.235]. fessa, weary, tired
- [DCC08.236]. facilis, easy
- [DCC08.237]. prīmum, first
- [DCC08.238]. hūmānus, human
- [DCC08.239]. posterum, next, later
- [DCC08.240]. varium, changing, varied, various
- [DCC08.241]. saevus, fierce, raging, wrathful
- [DCC08.242]. īnferum, low; īnferior: lower; īnfimus or īmus: lowest
- [DCC08.243]. sacra, holy, sacred
- [DCC08.244]. ūtilis, useful
- [DCC08.245]. lībera, free; līberī (m. pl.): freeborn children
- [DCC08.246]. castus, pure, spotless, chaste
- [DCC08.247]. trēs, three
- [DCC08.248]. dūra, hard, tough, harsh
- [DCC08.249]. dīvum, divine, godlike; (as subst.) a god
- [DCC08.250]. saeva, fierce, raging, wrathful
- [DCC08.251]. dextrum, right; dextera -ae f.: right hand
- [DCC08.252]. foedus, foul
- [DCC08.253]. māgnus, great
- [DCC08.254]. iūstum, right, just, fair
- [DCC08.255]. mortālis, liable to death, mortal; (as subst.) a mortal
- [DCC08.256]. grāta, pleasant; grateful
- [DCC08.257]. reliqua, remaining, rest
- [DCC08.258]. rēgius, kingly, royal
- [DCC08.259]. validum, strong
- [DCC08.260]. vērum, true
- [DCC08.261]. sēcūrus, free from care, tranquil; careless
- [DCC08.262]. laetus, glad, joyful
- [DCC08.263]. pauca, few, a few
- [DCC08.264]. maestus, sad, sorrowful; depressing
- [DCC08.265]. tertium, third
- [DCC08.266]. honesta, honorable
- [DCC08.267]. similis, like, similar
- [DCC08.268]. ferum, wild, fierce; fera -ae f.: wild animal
- [DCC08.269]. pulchra, beautiful
- [DCC08.270]. tertius, third
- [DCC08.271]. alterum, other of two
- [DCC08.272]. hūmānum, human
- [DCC08.273]. plēna, full
- [DCC08.274]. parvus, small
- [DCC08.275]. aurea, golden; splendid
- [DCC08.276]. vagus, wandering, shifting
- [DCC08.277]. mundum, clean, neat, elegant
- [DCC08.278]. tantus, so great, so much; (as pronoun) such a quantity, so much; tantī, at such a price, of such worth
- [DCC08.279]. ferus, wild, fierce; fera -ae f.: wild animal
- [DCC08.280]. longa, long, far
- [DCC08.281]. vanus, empty; false, deceitful
- [DCC08.282]. commūnis, common, general
- [DCC08.283]. turpis, ugly, unsightly; disgraceful
- [DCC08.284]. iūstus, right, just, fair
- [DCC08.285]. multa, much, many; multō, by far
- [DCC08.286]. tuum, your
- [DCC08.287]. nūdus, naked, bare
- [DCC08.288]. sāna, sound, sane
- [DCC08.289]. citus, swift; citō swiftly
- [DCC08.290]. album, white
- [DCC08.291]. beātum, happy, blessed, prosperous, fortunate
- [DCC08.292]. sānctus, sacred, inviolable
- [DCC08.293]. sēcūra, free from care, tranquil; careless
- [DCC08.294]. aequum, equal
- [DCC08.295]. vanum, empty; false, deceitful
- [DCC08.296]. cūncta, entire all together
- [DCC08.297]. falsa, deceptive, false
- [DCC08.298]. miserum, wretched, pitiable
- [DCC08.299]. ācre, sharp, piercing
- [DCC08.300]. īnfera, low; īnferior: lower; īnfimus or īmus: lowest
- [DCC08.301]. nigrum, black
- [DCC08.302]. parvum, small
- [DCC08.303]. iūsta, right, just, fair
- [DCC08.304]. saevum, fierce, raging, wrathful
- [DCC08.305]. alium, other, another; ālias: at another time
- [DCC08.306]. rēctus, straight, direct
- [DCC08.307]. clārus, clear, distinguished
- [DCC08.308]. dūrus, hard, tough, harsh
- [DCC08.309]. tenera, tender
- [DCC08.310]. citum, swift; citō swiftly
- [DCC08.311]. turpe, ugly, unsightly; disgraceful
- [DCC08.312]. sānum, sound, sane
- [DCC08.313]. tōtum, whole, entire
- [DCC08.314]. facile, easy
- [DCC08.315]. tanta, so great, so much; (as pronoun) such a quantity, so much; tantī, at such a price, of such worth
- [DCC08.316]. propria, one’s own, peculiar
- [DCC08.317]. integer, untouched, fresh, complete, whole
- [DCC08.318]. suum, his own, her own, its own
- [DCC08.319]. cēterum, the other, the others, the rest
- [DCC08.320]. multum, much, many; multō, by far
- [DCC08.321]. dīversum, different, diverse
- [DCC08.322]. difficilis, not easy, hard, difficult
- [DCC08.323]. ēgregia, distinguished, uncommon
- [DCC08.324]. malum, bad, evil
- [DCC08.325]. adversum, facing, opposed; unfavorable
- [DCC08.326]. sōlum, only, alone
- [DCC08.327]. ultimus, farthest, final, last, ultimate
- [DCC08.328]. novus, new
- [DCC08.329]. amīcum, friendly; (as subst.) friend
- [DCC08.330]. tūta, safe, protected
- [DCC08.331]. ūlla, any, anyone
- [DCC08.332]. molle, soft, yielding, gentle
- [DCC08.333]. nōta, well-known
- [DCC08.334]. dīgnum, worthy
- [DCC08.335]. ingrātus, unpleasant, disagreeable
- [DCC08.336]. aliēna, foreign, strange
- [DCC08.337]. dīgna, worthy
- [DCC08.338]. posterus, next, later
- [DCC08.339]. alia, other, another; ālias: at another time
- [DCC08.340]. rārus, wide apart, loose, thin; rare, seldom
- [DCC08.341]. duae, two
- [DCC08.342]. amīcus, friendly; (as subst.) friend
- [DCC08.343]. pulcher, beautiful
- [DCC08.344]. sēcūrum, free from care, tranquil; careless
- [DCC08.345]. alter, other of two
- [DCC08.346]. ācer, sharp, piercing
- [DCC08.347]. ūllum, any, anyone
- [DCC08.348]. brevis, short, shallow, brief
- [DCC08.349]. forte, brave
- [DCC08.350]. hūmāna, human
- [DCC08.351]. cūnctum, entire all together
- [DCC08.352]. vestra, your
- [DCC08.353]. ingrātum, unpleasant, disagreeable
- [DCC08.354]. tua, your
- [DCC08.355]. aeternum, everlasting, eternal
- [DCC08.356]. malus, bad, evil
- [DCC08.357]. tenerum, tender
- [DCC08.358]. paucī, few, a few
- [DCC08.359]. rēctum, straight, direct
- [DCC08.360]. altera, other of two
- [DCC08.361]. foedum, foul
- [DCC08.362]. nūdum, naked, bare
- [DCC08.363]. aptum, fit, suitable
- [DCC08.364]. inimīca, unfriendly; (as subst.) enemy
- [DCC08.365]. tūtus, safe, protected
- [DCC08.366]. cārus, dear
- [DCC08.367]. nūllus, not any, no one
- [DCC08.368]. dubia, doubtful; (as subst.) a doubt; sine dubiō, without a doubt, certainly
- [DCC08.369]. beāta, happy, blessed, prosperous, fortunate
- [DCC08.370]. rēgium, kingly, royal
- [DCC08.371]. superbum, overbearing, proud, haughty
- [DCC08.372]. fortis, brave
- [DCC08.373]. extrēmus, farthest, situated at the end or tip, extreme
- [DCC08.374]. extrēmum, farthest, situated at the end or tip, extreme
- [DCC08.375]. nimium, too much, excessive
- [DCC08.376]. proprius, one’s own, peculiar
- [DCC08.377]. vacuum, empty
- [DCC08.378]. beātus, happy, blessed, prosperous, fortunate
- [DCC08.379]. sōlus, only, alone
- [DCC08.380]. singula, one each
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