Latin for Beginners: frequential lexicon (Latin Core Vocabulary DCC), the first 1000 most common words.
Exercise A
- [DCC05.0]. cēdō, go, move; yield
- [DCC05.1]. īrāscī, grow angry; īrātus -a -um: angry
- [DCC05.2]. tribūnus, tribune, title of various Roman officials, as mīlitum, plēbis, aerāriī
- [DCC05.3]. quantus, (interr.) how great? (rel.) of what size, amount, etc. (as subst.) what amount? (rel.) which amount; quantī, at what price? (rel.) at which price
- [DCC05.4]. sapientia, wisdom
- [DCC05.5]. certāre, decide by contest; fight, compete, vie
- [DCC05.6]. relātum, bring back; report
- [DCC05.7]. quondam, formerly, once
- [DCC05.8]. ager, field
- [DCC05.9]. medium, middle, central
- [DCC05.10]. interficiō, kill
- [DCC05.11]. quotiēns, interr. how many times? how often? rel. as often as, whenever
- [DCC05.12]. foeda, foul
- [DCC05.13]. tenebrae, darkness, the shadows
- [DCC05.14]. gradus, step, pace; grade, rank
- [DCC05.15]. contemnō, despise, scorn, disdain
- [DCC05.16]. ibi, there
- [DCC05.17]. iūdicium, judgment, decision, trial
- [DCC05.18]. āmissum, let go, send away
- [DCC05.19]. facilis, easy
- [DCC05.20]. ita, thus, so
- [DCC05.21]. reperiō, find, find out
- [DCC05.22]. metus, fear, dread
- [DCC05.23]. tālis, such
- [DCC05.24]. antequam, before
- [DCC05.25]. praeter, by, along, past; besides, except (+ acc.)
- [DCC05.26]. ūsque, up to; continuously
- [DCC05.27]. sōlum, only, merely
- [DCC05.28]. quoniam, since, seeing that
- [DCC05.29]. libīdō, passion, lust
- [DCC05.30]. necessitās, necessity, need
- [DCC05.31]. alitum, nourish
- [DCC05.32]. praecipiō, anticipate, advise, warn
- [DCC05.33]. convertō, turn about, turn, change
- [DCC05.34]. portāre, carry a load
- [DCC05.35]. convīvium, banquet, feast
- [DCC05.36]. sēdī, sit
- [DCC05.37]. officium, service, duty
- [DCC05.38]. quemadmodum, in what manner, how
- [DCC05.39]. ignis, fire
- [DCC05.40]. morbus, sickness, disease
- [DCC05.41]. ve, or (postpositive enclitic)
- [DCC05.42]. extrēma, farthest, situated at the end or tip, extreme
- [DCC05.43]. īrātus sum, grow angry; īrātus -a -um: angry
- [DCC05.44]. coma, hair, tresses
- [DCC05.45]. contingō, touch, be contiguous to
- [DCC05.46]. caedēs, killing, slaughter
- [DCC05.47]. pepercī, spare, be sparing of (+ dat.)
- [DCC05.48]. servus, slave
- [DCC05.49]. māteria, material, subject matter; timber, lumber
- [DCC05.50]. cōnsequor, follow up, overtake, attain
- [DCC05.51]. respondeō, answer
- [DCC05.52]. sanguis, blood
- [DCC05.53]. dubium, doubtful; (as subst.) a doubt; sine dubiō, without a doubt, certainly
- [DCC05.54]. longus, long, far
- [DCC05.55]. volucer, flying
- [DCC05.56]. praeceptum, rule, precept; command
- [DCC05.57]. retineō, hold back, keep
- [DCC05.58]. ingēns, huge, enormous
- [DCC05.59]. duae, two
- [DCC05.60]. vōx, voice, utterance
- [DCC05.61]. patuī, lie open, extend; be evident or obvious
- [DCC05.62]. exspectō, watch, wait, expect
- [DCC05.63]. fortūna, fortune
- [DCC05.64]. uterque, each of two
- [DCC05.65]. nōtum, well-known
- [DCC05.66]. misera, wretched, pitiable
- [DCC05.67]. proficīscor, set forth, go
- [DCC05.68]. pariō, bring forth, give birth to; accomplish
- [DCC05.69]. fassus sum, admit, confess; profess, declare; assent, say yes
- [DCC05.70]. dormiō, sleep
- [DCC05.71]. lēx, law
- [DCC05.72]. teneō, hold, keep
- [DCC05.73]. sustinuī, hold up, sustain
- [DCC05.74]. addere, give to
- [DCC05.75]. sēnsus, feeling, emotion, sense
- [DCC05.76]. for, report, say
- [DCC05.77]. commūne, common, general
- [DCC05.78]. argentum, silver, money
- [DCC05.79]. famēs, hunger, famine
- [DCC05.80]. animal, a living being, an animal
- [DCC05.81]. māter, mother
- [DCC05.82]. agitāre, drive
- [DCC05.83]. discō, learn
- [DCC05.84]. modo, just, just now; modo ... modo: now ... now, at one moment ... at another, sometimes ... sometimes
- [DCC05.85]. fessus, weary, tired
- [DCC05.86]. ēgressus sum, stride out, depart, disembark from (+ abl.)
- [DCC05.87]. cēterus, the other, the others, the rest
- [DCC05.88]. alter, other of two
- [DCC05.89]. mora, delay, hindrance
- [DCC05.90]. factum, deed, accomplishment
- [DCC05.91]. effundō, pour out
- [DCC05.92]. aliēna, foreign, strange
- [DCC05.93]. redditum, return, give back
- [DCC05.94]. regiō, boundary, region
- [DCC05.95]. ūsus, use, experience
- [DCC05.96]. ruptum, break, rupture
- [DCC05.97]. miscuī, mix
- [DCC05.98]. augēre, increase
- [DCC05.99]. fore, **
- [DCC05.100]. fīnis, end, boundary
- [DCC05.101]. pudor, sense of shame, modesty, propriety
- [DCC05.102]. decēre, it is right, proper, fitting (+ acc. + infin.)
- [DCC05.103]. vulgus, the common people
- [DCC05.104]. plērumque, the greater part, very many, most, the majority
- [DCC05.105]. sānum, sound, sane
- [DCC05.106]. timor, fear
- [DCC05.107]. suscipiō, take up
- [DCC05.108]. turbāre, disturb, confuse
- [DCC05.109]. ēdere, put forth, state, explain
- [DCC05.110]. virgō, maiden, virgin, girl
- [DCC05.111]. rēctum, straight, direct
- [DCC05.112]. frūctus, fruit, crops; enjoyment, delight
- [DCC05.113]. iūstus, right, just, fair
- [DCC05.114]. celebrāre, frequent, throng, crowd
- [DCC05.115]. iacēre, lie
- [DCC05.116]. patria, fatherland, country
- [DCC05.117]. aequa, equal
- [DCC05.118]. ēlēctum, pick out, select
- [DCC05.119]. dēbitum, owe, be obliged
- [DCC05.120]. surrēxī, rise
- [DCC05.121]. pōscere, demand, claim; inquire into
- [DCC05.122]. cōnsul, consul
- [DCC05.123]. mīles, soldier
- [DCC05.124]. praemium, bounty, reward
- [DCC05.125]. iacere, throw, hurl
- [DCC05.126]. familia, household, family
- [DCC05.127]. spargō, scatter
- [DCC05.128]. iugum, yoke; ridge, chain of hills
- [DCC05.129]. tēlum, missile, weapon, spear
- [DCC05.130]. tenera, tender
- [DCC05.131]. serviō, be a slave, serve (+ dat.)
- [DCC05.132]. reliquum, remaining, rest
- [DCC05.133]. dēdūcō, launch, lead away
- [DCC05.134]. manēre, remain
- [DCC05.135]. pressī, press, pursue, overwhelm
- [DCC05.136]. exercitus, army
- [DCC05.137]. discēdere, go away, depart
- [DCC05.138]. vitium, flaw, fault, crime
- [DCC05.139]. ferē, almost
- [DCC05.140]. valēre, be strong, excel, be valid, prevail; valē: farewell!
- [DCC05.141]. didicī, learn
- [DCC05.142]. onus, load, burden
- [DCC05.143]. utrum, whether; utrum ... an: whether ... or
- [DCC05.144]. causa, cause, reason; causā + preceding genitive, for the sake of
- [DCC05.145]. currus, chariot
- [DCC05.146]. vix, scarcely
- [DCC05.147]. rūrsus, back, again
- [DCC05.148]. vel, or else, or; even; vel ... vel: either … or
- [DCC05.149]. nefās, impiety, wickedness
- [DCC05.150]. colligō, gather together, collect
- [DCC05.151]. augeō, increase
- [DCC05.152]. aura, breeze
- [DCC05.153]. illīc, at that place, there; illinc: from that place
- [DCC05.154]. honor, honor, glory; office, post
- [DCC05.155]. proprius, one’s own, peculiar
- [DCC05.156]. iūsta, right, just, fair
- [DCC05.157]. quasi, as if
- [DCC05.158]. prīvātus, personal, private
- [DCC05.159]. cōgitāre, think, reflect
- [DCC05.160]. exīre, go forth
- [DCC05.161]. accipiō, receive
- [DCC05.162]. fluxum, flow
- [DCC05.163]. alta, high, lofty; deep
- [DCC05.164]. gēns, family, clan
- [DCC05.165]. ferus, wild, fierce; fera -ae f.: wild animal
- [DCC05.166]. castus, pure, spotless, chaste
- [DCC05.167]. revocō, call back, recall
- [DCC05.168]. novum, new
- [DCC05.169]. centum, one hundred
- [DCC05.170]. terruī, terrify, frighten
- [DCC05.171]. vōtum, solemn promise, vow; hope
- [DCC05.172]. respicio, look back, regard, consider
- [DCC05.173]. mīror, wonder at, marvel at (+ acc.)
- [DCC05.174]. secunda, following; favorable; (as numeral) second
- [DCC05.175]. portō, carry a load
- [DCC05.176]. potis, powerful, able
- [DCC05.177]. decus, beauty, grace; ornament, glory, honor
- [DCC05.178]. frūstrā, in vain
- [DCC05.179]. quālis, of what kind? what?
- [DCC05.180]. fēlīx, lucky
- [DCC05.181]. sōlus, only, alone
- [DCC05.182]. moror, delay
- [DCC05.183]. victōria, victory
- [DCC05.184]. memoria, recollection, memory
- [DCC05.185]. nāscī, be born
- [DCC05.186]. decem, ten
- [DCC05.187]. mundus, clean, neat, elegant
- [DCC05.188]. sīve, whether; sīve ... sīve: whether ... or → seu
- [DCC05.189]. intrā, within (+ acc.)
- [DCC05.190]. pecus, cattle, sheep
- [DCC05.191]. dōnō, present with a gift (+ acc. of person and abl. of thing)
- [DCC05.192]. quīn, (adv.) indeed, in fact; (conjunction) so that ... not (+ subj.)
- [DCC05.193]. cōpia, abundance; (pl.) troops
- [DCC05.194]. latuī, lie hidden, be hidden
- [DCC05.195]. sonāre, sound, resound
- [DCC05.196]. sōl, sun
- [DCC05.197]. fingō, shape; invent
- [DCC05.198]. pōnō, put, place; put aside
- [DCC05.199]. sermō, conversation, discourse
- [DCC05.200]. rīpa, bank of a river
- [DCC05.201]. comparō, get ready, provide; compare
- [DCC05.202]. ideō, for this reason
- [DCC05.203]. bōs, ox; gen. pl. boum
- [DCC05.204]. occupāre, seize, occupy; anticipate, do a thing first (+ infin.)
- [DCC05.205]. prīncipium, beginning
- [DCC05.206]. imāgō, image, form, figure
- [DCC05.207]. nūmen, divine will, deity
- [DCC05.208]. auris, ear
- [DCC05.209]. exīstimāre, think, believe
- [DCC05.210]. turba, crowd, uproar
- [DCC05.211]. sūmptum, take up
- [DCC05.212]. scrīptum, write
- [DCC05.213]. dubitō, hesitate, doubt
- [DCC05.214]. fātum, fate; death
- [DCC05.215]. iūs, right, justice, law
- [DCC05.216]. vaga, wandering, shifting
- [DCC05.217]. simul, at the same time
- [DCC05.218]. pulcher, beautiful
- [DCC05.219]. annus, year
- [DCC05.220]. pietās, sense of duty, devotion, esp. between parents and children
- [DCC05.221]. perveniō, arrive, reach
- [DCC05.222]. nūntius, messenger; news
- [DCC05.223]. odium, hatred
- [DCC05.224]. interim, meanwhile
- [DCC05.225]. tertius, third
- [DCC05.226]. quidem, certainly, at least
- [DCC05.227]. senātus, senate
- [DCC05.228]. dōnum, gift, present
- [DCC05.229]. iūvī, help, assist; please, delight
- [DCC05.230]. auxilium, support, assistance; (pl.) auxiliary forces
- [DCC05.231]. dīgnum, worthy
- [DCC05.232]. gaudeō, rejoice
- [DCC05.233]. redīre, go back, return
- [DCC05.234]. dīmittō, send away
- [DCC05.235]. pateō, lie open, extend; be evident or obvious
- [DCC05.236]. quiētum, keep quiet; sleep
- [DCC05.237]. fōrma, shape; beauty
- [DCC05.238]. posteā, afterwards
- [DCC05.239]. modus, measure, manner, kind
- [DCC05.240]. amāre, to love; amāns -ntis m./f.: lover
- [DCC05.241]. dūcere, lead; uxōrem dūcere, marry
- [DCC05.242]. prōvincia, province; official duty
- [DCC05.243]. dēsīderō, long for, desire greatly
- [DCC05.244]. morātus sum, delay
- [DCC05.245]. volucris, bird
- [DCC05.246]. pāreō, obey
- [DCC05.247]. velut, even as, just as
- [DCC05.248]. meminisse, remember, recollect
- [DCC05.249]. vulnus, wound
- [DCC05.250]. tacitum, be silent; tacitus -a -um, silent
- [DCC05.251]. adversus, (adv. and prep.) facing, opposite, against, opposed (to)
- [DCC05.252]. vanum, empty; false, deceitful
- [DCC05.253]. mortāle, liable to death, mortal; (as subst.) a mortal
- [DCC05.254]. opera, labor, activity, work
- [DCC05.255]. cornu, horn
- [DCC05.256]. vōs, you (pl.); (gen.) vestrum/vestrī, (dat./abl.) vōbīs, (acc.) vōs
- [DCC05.257]. sīdus, star, constellation
- [DCC05.258]. gāvīsus sum, rejoice
- [DCC05.259]. ostendī, show, hold out
- [DCC05.260]. somnus, sleep, slumber; (pl.) dreams
- [DCC05.261]. damnō, condemn
- [DCC05.262]. tertium, third
- [DCC05.263]. frōns, forehead, brow; front
- [DCC05.264]. novus, new
- [DCC05.265]. captum, seize
- [DCC05.266]. pecūnia, money
- [DCC05.267]. grātia, favor, influence, gratitude
- [DCC05.268]. āēr, air
- [DCC05.269]. concēdere, yield, withdraw
- [DCC05.270]. ingenium, disposition, ability, talent
- [DCC05.271]. quīppe, (adv.) indeed, surely
- [DCC05.272]. optāre, choose, select
- [DCC05.273]. cētera, the other, the others, the rest
- [DCC05.274]. tūta, safe, protected
- [DCC05.275]. prīvāta, personal, private
- [DCC05.276]. tempestas, period of time, season; bad weather, storm
- [DCC05.277]. laus, praise, glory
- [DCC05.278]. facinus, deed, crime
- [DCC05.279]. vēxī, carry; vehor vehī vectus sum: travel, ride
- [DCC05.280]. vestrum, your
- [DCC05.281]. rātus sum, think, imagine, suppose, deem
- [DCC05.282]. properāre, hasten, speed
- [DCC05.283]. mare, sea
- [DCC05.284]. gravis, heavy, serious
- [DCC05.285]. cēterum, the other, the others, the rest
- [DCC05.286]. aiō, say, affirm, say yes; ut āiunt: as they say
- [DCC05.287]. īctus, blow, stroke
- [DCC05.288]. plēnus, full
- [DCC05.289]. īnsula, island
- [DCC05.290]. cupiere, desire
- [DCC05.291]. praesēns, present, in person, ready
- [DCC05.292]. redeō, go back, return
- [DCC05.293]. appāruī, appear, become visible
- [DCC05.294]. ūtī, use, consume, employ (+ abl.)
- [DCC05.295]. amor, love
- [DCC05.296]. posterus, next, later
- [DCC05.297]. prope, near, next; (comp.) propior, (superl.) proximus; (adv.) prope, nearly, almost
- [DCC05.298]. pertineō, extend over, reach; refer to, pertain to, be the business of
- [DCC05.299]. sinus, fold of a garment; lap, bay, gulf
- [DCC05.300]. potestās, power
- [DCC05.301]. disciplīna, training, instruction; learning, discipline
- [DCC05.302]. cōgnōscō, learn, understand
- [DCC05.303]. custōs, guardian
- [DCC05.304]. reus, defendant
- [DCC05.305]. accēdō, approach
- [DCC05.306]. fortē, by chance
- [DCC05.307]. prīmum, at first, firstly
- [DCC05.308]. victor, conqueror
- [DCC05.309]. imperium, command, power
- [DCC05.310]. sat, enough, sufficient, sufficiently
- [DCC05.311]. cāsum, fall, be killed
- [DCC05.312]. celebrō, frequent, throng, crowd
- [DCC05.313]. cūr, why?
- [DCC05.314]. tollere, raise up, destroy
- [DCC05.315]. oculus, eye
- [DCC05.316]. defectum, fail, give out; revolt from
- [DCC05.317]. supplicium, punishment, penalty
- [DCC05.318]. sāna, sound, sane
- [DCC05.319]. vītō, avoid, shun
- [DCC05.320]. tandem, finally
- [DCC05.321]. excipiō, take out
- [DCC05.322]. revertō, turn back
- [DCC05.323]. trīste, sad, solemn, grim
- [DCC05.324]. via, way, street
- [DCC05.325]. sēnsī, perceive, feel, hear, see
- [DCC05.326]. ārdeō, blaze, glow; be eager
- [DCC05.327]. sēnsum, perceive, feel, hear, see
- [DCC05.328]. gaudium, delight, joy, pleasure
- [DCC05.329]. īrāscor, grow angry; īrātus -a -um: angry
- [DCC05.330]. aes, copper, bronze
- [DCC05.331]. prohibuī, restrain, keep away
- [DCC05.332]. perdō, destroy
- [DCC05.333]. latus, side, flank
- [DCC05.334]. dōnāre, present with a gift (+ acc. of person and abl. of thing)
- [DCC05.335]. cecīdī, strike, kill, cut down
- [DCC05.336]. ratiō, method, plan, reason
- [DCC05.337]. pretium, price, worth, reward; pretium operae: a reward for trouble
- [DCC05.338]. lītus, shore
- [DCC05.339]. rīsum, laugh, laugh at
- [DCC05.340]. supersum, remain, survive; be superfluous (to)
- [DCC05.341]. tenuī, hold, keep
- [DCC05.342]. corrumpō, break up, destroy, ruin
- [DCC05.343]. legō, gather, choose, read
- [DCC05.344]. appellō, call, address, name
- [DCC05.345]. cāsus, a fall; chance, accident
- [DCC05.346]. prōcēdere, go forth, advance
- [DCC05.347]. mox, soon
- [DCC05.348]. recipiō, take back, receive; sē recipere, betake oneself, go
- [DCC05.349]. pondus, weight
- [DCC05.350]. spatium, space
- [DCC05.351]. aeternum, everlasting, eternal
- [DCC05.352]. āgmen, line of march
- [DCC05.353]. audēre, dare, be eager
- [DCC05.354]. quīdam, a certain one, someone
- [DCC05.355]. nōndum, not yet
- [DCC05.356]. committere, join, entrust to (+ dat.); perform, do
- [DCC05.357]. āfuī, be away, absent
- [DCC05.358]. igitur, therefore
- [DCC05.359]. stella, star
- [DCC05.360]. dīves, rich (poet. dīs, dītis)
- [DCC05.361]. cārus, dear
- [DCC05.362]. īnferō, bring upon, against; bellum īnferre: make war on
- [DCC05.363]. leve, light, trivial
- [DCC05.364]. perpetuum, unbroken, perpetual
- [DCC05.365]. comes, companion, comrade; attendant, follower
- [DCC05.366]. praeda, booty, prey
- [DCC05.367]. advenīre, come to, arrive at
- [DCC05.368]. aciēs, edge; line of battle
- [DCC05.369]. addūcō, lead to, induce
- [DCC05.370]. falsus, deceptive, false
- [DCC05.371]. defēcī, fail, give out; revolt from
- [DCC05.372]. varium, changing, varied, various
- [DCC05.373]. vestīgium, footstep, footprint, track
- [DCC05.374]. paulum, to only a small extent, slightly, a little
- [DCC05.375]. fīlia, daughter; son
- [DCC05.376]. mēns, mind
- [DCC05.377]. ōrdō, order, rank
- [DCC05.378]. multitūdō, multitude, number
- [DCC05.379]. ars, skill
- [DCC05.380]. iter, journey, route
- [DCC05.381]. scientia, knowledge
- [DCC05.382]. nōmen, name
- [DCC05.383]. quidque, each one, everyone
- [DCC05.384]. cōnstituō, establish, put together
- [DCC05.385]. cohors, cohort, band, troop
- [DCC05.386]. oportet, it is proper, right (+ acc. + infin.)
- [DCC05.387]. dolor, pain, grief
- [DCC05.388]. fax, torch
- [DCC05.389]. passus sum, permit, endure
- [DCC05.390]. eques, horseman, knight
- [DCC05.391]. legere, gather, choose, read
- [DCC05.392]. proelium, battle
- [DCC05.393]. tantum, only
- [DCC05.394]. moenia, walls, fortifications
- [DCC05.395]. mīsī, send, let go
- [DCC05.396]. superī, those above, i.e. the gods
- [DCC05.397]. pulchra, beautiful
- [DCC05.398]. cursus, course, advance
- [DCC05.399]. lingua, tongue; language
- [DCC05.400]. ingredior, step in, enter
- [DCC05.401]. aegrē, with difficulty
- [DCC05.402]. avis, bird
- [DCC05.403]. fāma, rumor, fame
- [DCC05.404]. quāle, of what kind? what?
- [DCC05.405]. cinis, ashes, embers
- [DCC05.406]. grātum, pleasant; grateful
- [DCC05.407]. color, color
- [DCC05.408]. cōnsistō, take position; consist in, be composed of
- [DCC05.409]. subitum, go under; endure
- [DCC05.410]. aperuī, open
- [DCC05.411]. nōbile, distinguished, noble; (as subst.) a nobleman or woman
- [DCC05.412]. forte, brave
- [DCC05.413]. caeleste, from or of heaven; caelestēs, the gods
- [DCC05.414]. super, over (adv. and prep. +acc.)
- [DCC05.415]. oppidum, town
- [DCC05.416]. dēfendō, defend, ward off
- [DCC05.417]. hūc, to this place
- [DCC05.418]. caput, head
- [DCC05.419]. dēsīderāre, long for, desire greatly
- [DCC05.420]. canō, sing
- [DCC05.421]. illūc, to that place
- [DCC05.422]. attulī, bring to
- [DCC05.423]. poēta, poet
- [DCC05.424]. pēs, foot
- [DCC05.425]. inquit,, say (used with direct speech)
- [DCC05.426]. pulchrum, beautiful
- [DCC05.427]. experior, try thoroughly, test, experience
- [DCC05.428]. classis, class, division, fleet
- [DCC05.429]. hōra, hour
- [DCC05.430]. fābula, account, tale, story
- [DCC05.431]. quisquis, whoever, whichever
- [DCC05.432]. careō, lack (+ abl.)
- [DCC05.433]. dux, leader, general
- [DCC05.434]. precor, pray, invoke
- [DCC05.435]. ingrātus, unpleasant, disagreeable
- [DCC05.436]. coniunx, spouse, husband, wife
- [DCC05.437]. superō, overcome, surpass, defeat
- [DCC05.438]. ōs, mouth, face
- [DCC05.439]. littera, letter, (pl.) literature
- [DCC05.440]. vīnum, vine, wine
- [DCC05.441]. servō, save, watch over
- [DCC05.442]. sedēre, sit
- [DCC05.443]. quandō, when?; since; sī quandō: if ever
- [DCC05.444]. auctor, originator, founder
- [DCC05.445]. laudāre, praise
- [DCC05.446]. cōnātus sum, try, attempt
- [DCC05.447]. cīvis, citizen
- [DCC05.448]. pūblicum, public, belonging to the state
- [DCC05.449]. clārum, clear, distinguished
- [DCC05.450]. parāre, prepare, acquire; parātus -a -um, ready
- [DCC05.451]. senex, old man, elder; senior, older
- [DCC05.452]. arbor, tree
- [DCC05.453]. temptāre, try, test
- [DCC05.454]. vetītum, forbid
- [DCC05.455]. dēnique, finally
- [DCC05.456]. referō, bring back; report
- [DCC05.457]. aequus, equal
- [DCC05.458]. prōpōnō, put forth, propose, present
- [DCC05.459]. cūncta, entire all together
- [DCC05.460]. astrum, star; constellation
- [DCC05.461]. arbitror, consider, think
- [DCC05.462]. marītus, husband
- [DCC05.463]. caeca, blind, unseeing; dark, obscure
- [DCC05.464]. socius, friendly, allied; socius -ī m.: partner, comrade
- [DCC05.465]. equus, horse
- [DCC05.466]. stāre, stand
- [DCC05.467]. vertere, turn
- [DCC05.468]. ante, before, in front of (adv. and prep. + acc.)
- [DCC05.469]. crīmen, verdict, accusation
- [DCC05.470]. forsitan, perhaps, perchance
- [DCC05.471]. lēgātus, lieutenant, envoy
- [DCC05.472]. scīlicet, certainly, of course
- [DCC05.473]. subitō, suddenly, unexpectedly
- [DCC05.474]. grātus, pleasant; grateful
- [DCC05.475]. procul, at a distance
- [DCC05.476]. properō, hasten, speed
- [DCC05.477]. uxor, wife
- [DCC05.478]. adversa, facing, opposed; unfavorable
- [DCC05.479]. dulce, sweet
- [DCC05.480]. verērī, fear, stand in awe of
- [DCC05.481]. breviter, briefly
- [DCC05.482]. campus, plain, field
- [DCC05.483]. trēs, three
- [DCC05.484]. ūtor, use, consume, employ (+ abl.)
- [DCC05.485]. quaeque, each one, everyone
- [DCC05.486]. tangere, touch
- [DCC05.487]. templum, consecrated ground; temple
- [DCC05.488]. nigrum, black
- [DCC05.489]. tarda, slow, sluggish, lingering
- [DCC05.490]. pēnsum, weigh, hang, suspend; pay
- [DCC05.491]. ēgregium, distinguished, uncommon
- [DCC05.492]. vestis, garment, robe, clothing
- [DCC05.493]. concessī, yield, withdraw
- [DCC05.494]. mortuus sum, die
- [DCC05.495]. labor, toil, exertion
- [DCC05.496]. aethēr, pure upper air, ether, heaven, sky
- [DCC05.497]. raptum, seize, tear away
- [DCC05.498]. ecce, behold!
- [DCC05.499]. dūrus, hard, tough, harsh
- [DCC05.500]. exsilium, exile, banishment
- [DCC05.501]. aequor, level surface, sea, plain
- [DCC05.502]. parō, prepare, acquire; parātus -a -um, ready
- [DCC05.503]. scīre, know
- [DCC05.504]. advertō, turn towards
- [DCC05.505]. deinde/dein, then, next
- [DCC05.506]. tantummodo, only
- [DCC05.507]. recēns, fresh, new
- [DCC05.508]. ob, against, on account of (+acc)
- [DCC05.509]. prius, earlier, preceding
- [DCC05.510]. narrō, relate, recount
- [DCC05.511]. addūcere, lead to, induce
- [DCC05.512]. ductum, lead; uxōrem dūcere, marry
- [DCC05.513]. nox, night
- [DCC05.514]. quid, who? what? which?
- [DCC05.515]. soleō, be accustomed
- [DCC05.516]. intendō, stretch out, strain
- [DCC05.517]. sēcūra, free from care, tranquil; careless
- [DCC05.518]. iterum, again
- [DCC05.519]. legiō, legion
- [DCC05.520]. ōdī, hate
- [DCC05.521]. morī, die
- [DCC05.522]. cāvī, be on guard, beware
- [DCC05.523]. occurrō, run to meet; come into one’s mind
- [DCC05.524]. aliquandō, at some time, at length
- [DCC05.525]. pergere, continue, proceed; awaken
- [DCC05.526]. recessī, step back, recoil, recede, withdraw
- [DCC05.527]. cupiō, desire
- [DCC05.528]. error, wandering; error, mistake
- [DCC05.529]. cecidī, fall, be killed
- [DCC05.530]. iēcī, throw, hurl
- [DCC05.531]. lacrima, tear
- [DCC05.532]. ōrō, pray
- [DCC05.533]. monuī, warn, advise
- [DCC05.534]. interrogāre, put a question to, ask (+ acc.)
- [DCC05.535]. cōnfessus sum, admit (a fact), confess (a crime); reveal, disclose
- [DCC05.536]. vocō, call
- [DCC05.537]. cernere, discern, separate
- [DCC05.538]. dextrum, right; dextera -ae f.: right hand
- [DCC05.539]. ventus, wind
- [DCC05.540]. coepī, begin
- [DCC05.541]. agitō, drive
- [DCC05.542]. bene, well
- [DCC05.543]. libitum est, it is pleasing (+ dat. + infin.)
- [DCC05.544]. soror, sister
- [DCC05.545]. trānsīre, go across
- [DCC05.546]. sacerdōs, priest, priestess
- [DCC05.547]. fēlīciter, luckily
- [DCC05.548]. mūrus, wall
- [DCC05.549]. surgere, rise
- [DCC05.550]. iūdex, judge, juror
- [DCC05.551]. magister, master, chief
- [DCC05.552]. exerceō, train, exercise, carry on
- [DCC05.553]. coepisse, begin
- [DCC05.554]. īnferre, bring upon, against; bellum īnferre: make war on
- [DCC05.555]. quantum, (interr.) how great? (rel.) of what size, amount, etc. (as subst.) what amount? (rel.) which amount; quantī, at what price? (rel.) at which price
- [DCC05.556]. vinculum, bond, fetter, tie
- [DCC05.557]. sūmō, take up
- [DCC05.558]. unda, wave, flowing water, water
- [DCC05.559]. moveō, move
- [DCC05.560]. porta, gate
- [DCC05.561]. iaceō, lie
- [DCC05.562]. revocāre, call back, recall
- [DCC05.563]. epistula, letter
- [DCC05.564]. VERO, in fact, certainly, without doubt
- [DCC05.565]. aevum, eternity; lifetime, age
- [DCC05.566]. dēferō, carry away, report
- [DCC05.567]. item, likewise
- [DCC05.568]. tacēre, be silent; tacitus -a -um, silent
- [DCC05.569]. silva, forest, grove
- [DCC05.570]. terrēre, terrify, frighten
- [DCC05.571]. forum, market-place, forum
- [DCC05.572]. ēgredior, stride out, depart, disembark from (+ abl.)
- [DCC05.573]. seu, whether; seu ... seu: whether ... or → sīve
- [DCC05.574]. affuī, be present
- [DCC05.575]. timeō, to fear, to dread
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