The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Fourth Conjugation Active, Indicative Mood. Relative Pronouns.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 43. Fourth Conjugation.

  • audio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to hear.
  • custodio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to guard.
  • dormio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire, v.intr./intr., to sleep.
  • finio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to finish.
  • munio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to fortify.
  • punio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to punish.
  • sepelio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to bury.
  • aperio, -is, aperui, apertum, -ire,, to open.
  • venio, -is, veni, ventum, -ire,, to come.
  • vincio, vinxi, vinctum -ire,, to hind.
  • vinco, vici, victum, -ĕre,, to conquer.

Syntax Rules 19. Agreement of Relative.

A Relative agrees with its antecedent in Person, Number, and Gender. It takes the Case depending on its logical function in the sentence it belongs.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 43., the Syntax Rule 19., Relative Pronouns, and the Indicative of audio.
  2. Write out and learn the endings of audio in the Indicative.
  3. Conjugate punio in the Indicative.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • audis; audivisti; audivistis; audimus; audiebas.
  • audiam; audiveram; audiemus; audient; audiveris.
  • auditis; audiveritis; audiebatis; audiunt; audietis.

2. Give the Latin for:

  • The king who rules. The queen whose daughters you see.
  • The master that I obey. The friend whom we love.

3. Translate the same with the antecedent in the Plural.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Judex improbos puniat.
  2. Romani urbes muniverunt.
  3. Mors vitam nostram finiet.
  4. Milites castra custodiebant.
  5. Pater mortuum filium sepelivit.
  6. Manus captivorum vinciebant.
  7. Flores vere aperient.
  8. Pax bellum mox finiverit.
  9. Servi urbis portas aperuerunt.
  10. Magister, qui nos docet, pigros discipulos punit.
  11. Discipuli, quos docebam, opus finiverunt.
  12. Canis, quern mihi dedisti, domum meam custodit.
  13. Galli, quos Caesar vicit, castra sua nunquam muniverunt.
  14. Animal, quod occidisti, mox sepeliam.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. He will soon come, my son.
  2. I opened the gate for you.
  3. Your sister has come already.
  4. I have slept well.
  5. We have buried the body.
  6. He had bound my hands.
  7. I shall punish the lazy boys.
  8. You will soon have finished.
  9. I had already finished.
  10. We will-keep-guard for you.
  11. Caesar, to whom they gave hostages, has finished the war.
  12. The general, whose soldiers are bravest, will conquer.
  13. The enemy, whom we conquered, have opened their gates.
  14. The shepherd was sleeping while his dog kept guard.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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